Thursday, July 23, 2009

Investment Education From Financial Ads and Headlines

Investment Education From Financial Ads and Headlines

Folks unfortunately get most of their financial and business education from ads and headlines.

Don’t expect high school or college classes to provide a decent underpinning of information for their students to adequately comprehend economics and finance for the real world. Once out of school, they cannot evaluate the bombardment of ads and the headlines that pertain to finance and business.

And they cannot expect further meaningful explanations from media.

They therefore get biased, one-sided opinions without any contrasting arguments or alternatives to what the ads promote, or headlines intimate.

An example: Purveyors of gold may be selling one type without discussing various forms that can be bought. Or whether they ought to be buying gold at all, even with inflation looming. They never get pros and cons in the ads or brief headlines.

And brokers and advisers are frequently not much better in promoting a particular point of view when discussing securities they offer.

The solution? As I always say in my expanded writings, stay alert to basics and avoid all tips from questionable sources.

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