Saturday, July 25, 2009

Big Government Approaches to Simple Money Problems- Financing Costs

Big Government Approaches to Simple Money Problems- Financing Costs

Those on the left in politics identify themselves principally by their tendency to rely on Big Government to remedy ills that beset a relatively small percentage of the population. With a sledge hammer.

To cure the ills of a small, sometimes tiny population percentage, they seek remedies that affect and often hurt the majority. The result is the same: Bigger Government. Often with no apparent assistance or aid to the objects of the original assistance.

That is why critics feel the sole original objectives is merely to create bigger and bigger government and not to offer practical help.

Example: Many borrowers who use credit cards, or take out mortgages and loans, make stupid decisions. The Big Government folks will tell you we need more regulations and financial product safety. Yet you cannot legislate or regulate against all stupidity without consequences. Those merely translate into more costly government bureaucracy.

Larger print in consumer contracts will surely help. Along with better schools we already are paying for, so the public can understand basic financial everyday contracts before them .

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