Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Financial Advisers Are At it Again

The Financial Advisers Are At it Again

Much has been said and written about the current financial meltdown and what the financial institutions are doing to help resolve its repetition.

What about the financial advisers working on behalf of individuals? It appears that they are doing what they have always done in the past? Which may be o.k., within limits and reason.

But they are still resorting to newer alternative investments, which are being designed to offset any weakness in stocks and bonds. These investments are suggested for clients in the form of currencies, commodity futures and private partnerships.

However, not only are these securities-type volatile, they are expensive (fine for the advisers).

And yes, larger accounts are getting the use of math models which don’t always work and so-called structured products which gets us back to Square One before the infamous meltdown.

But when big fees are involved. with many financial advisers it’s business as usual.

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