Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Disregard Media-Suggested Investment Portfolios

Disregard Media-Suggested Investment Portfolios

You constantly get suggestions in the financial media of portfolios, especially for various types of future economic possibilities. I just saw another. And it made me laugh. However, I guess it really is not a laughing matter, because you can get burned if you follow the advice.

I have a theory of how they appear. They usually come with an advisor mentioned, making the recommendations. That advisor has been singled out from among tens of thousands of such pros.

Financial advisors seeking publicity would give their eye teeth to have pet portfolio ideas published in public view. So why this mention in the column? Is it a friend or relative of the columnist? Who knows?

Secondly, the portfolios shown never, never identify objectives by investor age or risk capacity or psychological sensitivity. It makes the column more than useless. Laughable. And dangerous.

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