Saturday, July 4, 2009

Beware of Hanging Juries and Judges

Beware of Hanging Juries and Judges

Folks in business and entrepreneurs: American justice may be questionable.

The Fourth of July may be a good time to note a problem about a lack of civil rights for citizens who are involved in business. Whether as entrepreneurs, small business operators, merchants, or CEOS of small and large companies. Anyone who hires folks.

They’re to be protected as a minority, as compared to the majority who work for others.

To those unfortunates I issue a warning. Beware of Hanging Juries and Judges, in the event you wind up in court as a defendant. Whether in a civil or a criminal case. Whether you are innocent or guilty.

Because many members of the jury and possibly, even the judge will be inclined to consider you guilty before you can prove yourself innocent. Just because you are involved in business. Or as an entrepreneur, small business operator, merchant, or CEO of a small or large company.

This owes to the fact most Americans. as well as college graduates, lawyers and yes, judges, have little knowledge of business and finance.

Thus, they are inclined to be influenced by the media’s negative attitude towards business and finance and the propensity to harp on the “greed” of those involved in such industries.

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