Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Insurance-Selling Estate Planners

Be careful about buying life insurance from estate planners. It is the job of most of them to sell life policies. They sell other financial products as well; various types of annuities and mutual funds. But their options are limited and your’s become restricted.
They know their products, but they have a conflict of interest, particularly should they be tied to one life insurance company.
When they are selling mutual funds, you are probably not getting the lowest cost selections. The latter have to be higher cost to warrant compensation for salesmen. Lower cost mutual funds are essential to your benefit, no matter what the sales pitch may be on past or future “performance.”
If you need substantial estate advice, see a non- salesman accountant or lawyer, specializing in the
field. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

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