Thursday, December 15, 2011

The U.S. on a Slippery Financial Slope

We take it for granted that America will always be the world’s financial standard and leader. With our Constitution and Bill of Rights and our expansive economy, we have been truly Number One world-wide. At the same time, the U.S. has helped others around the world when asked.

We forget that the British once held this vaunted position. They relinquished it when they became a debtor nation. We also are observing the plunge of Europe into a financial abyss caused by debt. The U.S. today is well on its way to become such a monetary-debased country.

And we know at least one creditor nation in the Far East, ready to take over our past role if we don’t mend our ways. ( See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comment.)

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