Thursday, September 1, 2011

Unused Credit Cards in Wallet

Lots of unused credit cards in your wallet, for which you have no use, could be a problem.

You may already use a number of cards, maybe those that give special discounts or privileges.

A zero balance on your credit card won't hurt your FICO score. (The FICO is a copyrighted score that is used by about 90% of the largest banks for their credit decisions.)

Closing an account could hurt your credit standing. If you continue not to use the card, the bank may cancel it, or charge for it due to inactivity.

Your balance-to-limit ratio, may increase as a result of closing the account. That may also cause a decline in your credit score.

Try using little-used cards, even semi-annually, to prevent closure by banks. That could help your credit score. Use the card to make small purchases. Be sure to pay any balances off each month. ( See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments.)

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