Thursday, September 29, 2011

Gold as Inflation Hedges

Further to my comments on gold as an inflation hedge:

For those interested, gold purchases come in different forms; ETF securities, or plain coins, rare coins, and bullion, all of which must be safely stored in bank vaults or at home.

Costs are involved; gold earns no interest. (Gold can be bought as mining company shares but that entails securities’ risks.)

Gold is a good holding in dire emergencies, in rare coin form, for example. But it can be erratic as a holding.

When the dollar weakens, ( or the Euro) gold goes up. When the dollar or Euro) stabilizes in relation to other currencies, gold prices possibly fall. Some times sharply. And often gold moves with market anxieties, or supply/demand, more than mere inflation.

So be careful holding gold, as with any other investment you may have. Never treat it as a panacea to offset brutal inflation. As I often say, there are alternatives. ( See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments.)

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