Saturday, July 2, 2011

Risk in Financial Transactions

Our left-leaning politicos in Washington cannot get us out of a recession, and are actually getting us mired into a deeper rut.

They and their bureaucrats keep advising about reducing financial risk.

What is risk? Not having enough federal watchdogs in Washington? Buying securities in a depression? Buying a hedge-type security, while selling short its derivative?

Or our government spending sums it won’t be able to pay back without cheapening the dollar and creating another Greece here in the U.S.?

Has anyone on the Washington Left truly decided what true risk actually is? Apart from a politician having to tell the truth about legislation?

When the Obama administration’s regulation in the form of Dodd-Frank carries on about risky investments and it seems no one there is qualified to really understand the term, it’s time to hold on to your pocketbooks. ( See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments.)

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