Sunday, July 17, 2011

Currency (Forex) Trading

Currency trading is the biggest financial market, dominated by banks, funds, investment companies and commercial corporations. About $4 trillion are traded every day; the amount is growing by double digits.

Currency trading involves buying one currency while selling another at the same time. Americans now prefer the Dollar/Euro relationship.

However, such trading is not truly suitable for small investors, for whom it’s more like gambling.The lure is the small entry amounts and considerable leverage, as much as 50 to 1, much more than is possible with securities and other commodity trading.

The basic downside is risk: Only about 30% of currency accounts are profitable

If you insist, you have to have a set strategy. There are automated programs that help but are no guarantees for success. No matter how much research you do, so many constant influences beyond a trader’s control, domestically and globally, affect currency prices ( See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments.)

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