Wall Street is there for a purpose. Why not attack it? That’s what left-leaning politicians think.
Flash trading orders appear quoted for a split second. Customers with extremely fast computers get a quick look at pricing. But anyone with a fast computer can play. There is no way you can monopolize that information that is picked up about securities’ supply and demand.
Right now, only about 3% of trades are flash orders. Nevertheless the SEC is proposing a ban on them.
Nothing succeeds in the current administration’s Great Recession bumbling, except activity of little consequence.
Obviously you have never traded a single share in your life. You have no idea what your talking about. These programs were set up to discourage investors from providing liquidity by always being on the inside of the bid. They made the argument that it increased liquidity which by looking at the level two it did. However, when you actually tried to get what was showing it disappeared and filled the order at a lower price.