Sunday, November 1, 2009

Economic Illiterates in High Government Circles

Politicians for the highest offices, the House of Representatives and the Senate in Washington, and particularly the Office of President, do not have to take a test to see if they understand basic economics. And it shows. In their comments. legislation and opinions.

Many are economic illiterates. Whether they speak off-the-cuff, from notes or a teleprompter. They may get words from some staffer who is literate on the subject. But when the comments are extemporaneous, the gaffs become even more evident.

It would help if more politicians came with business/entrepreneurial experience. Being a lawyer, as many are, is of little help, especially if that background involved fighting business and industry tooth and nail.

Politicians speak as if they are campaigning for office when they orate. Exaggeration is taken for granted. The problem is that they must get serious once in office. Words can have consequences and psychological effects.

You can profess free market economics but you cannot have policies that spell unfettered socialism. It might appeal to a flak that helped get you nominated and elected but it won’t keep you in office. And it will have created immense damage while in office.

Because socialism has never worked where it has ever been tried. Except in the classrooms of colleges, even the fancy ones.

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