Monday, June 22, 2009

Hidden Health Care Costs

Hidden Health Care Costs and Finance

With all the talk about health care for all, has anyone bothered to actually get into the cost of administering a government health plan, as compared to what it costs to administer an average for-profit, private plan?

It stands to reason that any Government has a disadvantage in cutting costs.

One point: Politics makes it easier to hire than to fire. Voters you fire will not vote for you again.
Another: Politics makes it easier to overpay. Voters you pay too little will not vote for you again.

Has the government ever run ANYTHING efficiently?

The Post Office, for example? Also: Let us consider our experience with Medicaid and Medicare. How they botched the efficiency and costs of that forerunner to universal health insurance, now that the Feds promise to effectively offer us low-cost health care in the future.

If the cost of Medicaid and Medicare have gotten so far out of hand, beyond their original projections, how can we believe the Health Care Savings Fantasies of the Future?

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