Monday, June 29, 2009

Health Insurance Competition From the Fed Government

Health Insurance Competition From the Fed Government

Those operating in the government on the Political Left love to tell you how private insurance companies, or any private business, should be able to compete with any that is government-run, especially with regard to health insurance.

But we know from experience that government entities are not noted for being low cost. The Post Office is a perfect example.

What the pro-government Statists never tell you, and they conveniently overlook, is the fact that government has no capital costs. The taxpayer subsidizes capital and operational outlay.

All private health insurance companies who will have to compete must provide expensive capital and funds of their own.

Never fall for the argument that having a government agency option to choose from, in health insurance, will be a panacea for the consumer.

It’s a ruse. Sooner or later a public health insurance option will drive away private competitors. And eventually it will put a hole in the taxpayer’s pocket because health insurance will get costly.

And it will be coming out of YOUR pocket.

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