Monday, August 31, 2015

Official Cheating of Working Wives on Social Security

Mrs. Jones worked and had Social Security taxes deducted from her earnings. Mrs. Smith never worked and thus never paid Social Security taxes.
In our example: Their husbands, Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith, both worked and paid Social Security taxes. Both Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith earned the same income for the same number of years and retired at the same time.
Their spouses, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith retired. .Both received one half of their husband’s benefit.
Obviously. Mrs. Jones paid taxes and got no benefits in return. She got the same as Mrs. Smith who made no contribution.
If Mrs. Jones was entitled to more benefits than Mr. Jones, she would get merely some extra compensation, not the full compensation for her contributions.
I have written repeatedly why private Social Security could be fair and remunerative, while Uncle Sam dispenses an unfair plan. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

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