Friday, August 5, 2011

So-Called U.S. Budget Cuts

What if you don’t need a new car but you pass a new car showroom and look at some new models?

You look at one for $100,000 that suddenly catches your fancy, and you decide, why not, I’ll buy it.

But you get a pang of conscience when you look at the payments so you buy another car in the showroom for only $20,000.

Do you go home to explain your purchase to your spouse and boast; don’t worry, you just cut the household budget by $80,000 by spending $20,000 instead of $100,000, all of which you cannot afford?

Well, that’s how liberal politicians boast about cutting their budgets.Their attempt is to cut the INCREASED spending they can’t afford

Note: Federal budgets are automatically increased by current law every year. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments.)

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