Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Technical Market Analysts

As you know from my blog and other comments, I always recommend the use of index mutual funds and ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds).

As I have often mentioned before, I have made a unique mini-career of looking at almost 1,600 investment strategies used by investors over the years. I have investigated the advantages and disadvantages of each.

And I can tell you there are some worthwhile concepts as well as gibberish in all. But no panacea exists among them.

I know there are analysts constantly looking for stock market winners. My comments hold for efforts of the so-called fundamentalist analysts who evaluate individual companies, seeking investment opportunities.

This certainly holds for market technicians as well. They have a whole panoply of theories about market direction that have little to do with corporate earnings and mostly to do with market swings, “heads”, ”shoulders” and similar exotic terms. I have found no panaceas either in their use.

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