Thursday, April 15, 2010

Is Investing an Out-Smarter’s Game?

Investing is not a game where someone has to out-smart another investor in order to win. Where there is a loser for every winner. Yet, that is the way most would-be pundits operate today.

No one has a monopoly on smart strategies, or when to use them. For every seller, there is a buyer, probably just as smart, and informed.

The fact is, there is also no perfect investment strategy. Sticking to one’s disciplined strategy is the answer. Discipline is the solution because it logically helps tilt the odds for investment success in your favor.

I have done my research and checked that of independents with no axe to grind. It has taken me years to accomplish, but the evidence is clear.

Adjusting the odds for success favorably is the ultimate investment goal. Discipline of strategy, rather than constant changing of investment ideas does the trick over the long run. ( See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments.)

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