Monday, January 25, 2010

Bashing Wall Street or Using Wall Street Wisely

There has been too much Wall Street bashing from left-leaning politicians, as well as the like-minded media.

I would, therefore, further explain criticism I have directed in the past at some in Wall Street who may have contributed to government=enhanced actions that helped foment financial panic.

I always have made this distinction about Wall Street: It’s both an investment and also a constant-trading medium.

Both are essential. But trading aspects can go to extremes. When extreme actions occur, there can be potential danger. It is thus essential that the public understand how Wall Street operates.

One: The knowledge opens the public’s eyes to the left-leaning politician’s Wall Street-baiting.

Two: The explanation lets individuals know how to be better investors.

I have found from experience that the average investor does well by avoiding trading extremes. That’s possible by sticking to a disciplined, favorite strategy and then forgetting daily market prices. You don’t need constant financial news, unless your investment strategy calls for it. Relatively few strategies do.

Short-term, in-and-out, frenzied trading by the pros is what causes financial meltdowns. It is the segment of Wall Street that I avoid. Stick to the good medium that Wall Street can offer individuals and institutional investors.

And avoid the siren song of Wall Street bashing from left-leaning politicians and the equally ignorant like-minded media.

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